by Kiel Duckworth | Aug 25, 2020
Montana workers’ compensation claims should be simple — if you are unable to work and lose wages, you are paid for those lost wages, right? Not necessarily. Montana workers’ compensation law includes a 4 day waiting period for wage loss benefits....
by Kiel Duckworth | Aug 17, 2020
Montana auto accidents are perhaps the most common yet serious threats to the health of you and your family. Montana roads are frankly dangerous. Obviously most of us have to drive on a daily basis for work, but it’s also important to be aware of just how...
by Kiel Duckworth | Jul 21, 2020
A question that has come up recently is: what happens if someone contracts COVID in the workplace? If it is as straightforward as that, it’s easy, and there is a valid workers’ compensation claim. But the real world is never that straightforward. The...
by Kiel Duckworth | Jul 14, 2020
There are many forms of legal claims for persona; injury, often based on the concept of “negligence.” Negligence is generally described as the failure to use reasonable care, causing harm. This is not an exclusive list of all injury claims, but these are...
by Kiel Duckworth | Jul 14, 2020
One of the most emotional situations we encounter is sexual assault claims. Sexual assault victims often feel like they have nowhere to turn for help, and no way to hold the perpetrator responsible. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network), only 5...