As we all know Polson Montana is wonderful place to be in the summer, but the flood of people to the lake also means bad traffic, and car accidents. Those of us who live here year round are use to being able to casually make left turns onto Highway 93 without having to worry. But during the months of June through August, if not longer, making a left turn onto Highway 93 is a death defying act with a real chance at being in a car accident. Duckworth Law Office is located just across from Mcdonalds in Polson, a busy area, and just the other day we looked out the window and saw the aftermath of another car accident.
Montana 2021 Car Accidents Traffic Data
It’s not just Polson, most of Montana is seeing a huge influx of tourist and resulting bad traffic. Glacier Park, just north of Lake County, is seeing a huge influx and resulting traffic issues. For instance, Going to the Sun Road saw a 41% increase compared to 2021 on opening day, and the road to Polebridge is well over the desired capacity. Yellowstone area is seeing a similar influx of traffic that is pushing the limits of the infrastructure.

On the one hand, is fine to see so many people appreciate Montana and the beauty we see every day, but on the other hand it creates real safety issues on the roads. Many Montana highways simply are not built for huge traffic numbers, and even if they are, the roads weave through naturally dangerous mountainous areas, prone to car accidents.
Fatalities are already up approximately 17% from this time last year, with 110 reported fatalities from car accidents this year, and 94 this time of the year in 2020. Obviously COVID was a significant factor in the lesser traffic, and this year people who have cabin fever from last year are rushing to Montana, crowding the highways, resulting in increased fatality car accidents. Full crash data from the state is not yet available for 2021.
What to Do if you are Injured in a Montana Car Accidents
Car accidents are an unfortunate reality in Montana. We at Duckworth Law Office see many serious injuries. I hope our work in holding people accountable for hurting Montanans actually makes the roads safer, and it does, but there remains a big number of car accidents due to the nature of our roads and seasons.
If you are injured, you first need to go to the doctor, and get a diagnosis and treatment plan. Your health is one of the most important thing you have. Moreover, some injuries from car accidents require urgent or emergent care to prevent your injuries from getting worse.
Once you have an idea of your medical condition and treatment plan, the question of payment for medical bills becomes critical. Many people have some form of health insurance, but even “good” health insurance includes co-pays, deductibles, travel costs and other ancillary expenses that can easily be $5,000-$10,000 out of pocket. If you are seriously hurt, you also are likely unable to work and thus your income is decreased or non existent.
If you are seriously injured, you should consider hiring a lawyer. Just like you need EMT’s, doctors, and nurses to treat your medical condition, you need an experienced lawyer to treat your financial condition. An experienced lawyer like Duckworth Law Office will know what to do to maximize your financial recovery from any car accidents. We know what to look for in terms of liable parties, insurance coverages, and how best to get you back on your financial feet after your injury.

Be safe out there on the Montana roads! The summer 2021 Montana traffic is as bad as it perhaps ever has been, and thus you and your family are more at risk of being hit by a negligent driver, or worse, a drunk driver. Even safe drivers can get hurt just by being in the wrong place at the wrong. If you are in a car accident and need help, please call us at Duckworth Law.