Kiel Duckworth is a born and raised Montanan. He was born in Ronan, Montana where his father Kent originally built Duckworth Law Office. The family moved to Polson, Montana in 1989, and Duckworth Law Office remained in Ronan until 2020, when Kiel moved the firm to Polson.
Duckworth law is a boutique firm, specializing in injury and workers’ compensation cases. We are not a general practice firm, because we strongly believe that a lawyer must dedicate his practice to injury trial work in order to responsibly represent people, and achieve the best results for each client. If you are looking for a Polson Montana lawyer for your injury cases, who you know will get you the best result, call Duckworth Law.
Why hire a Polson Montana Lawyer?
Kiel always wanted to be a Polson Montana lawyer. He was never attracted to the big firm or corporate law scene. The reason is because he has always been more drawn to the underdog role. He wanted to represent people – not corporations, not insurance companies, not politicians, not the government – you get the point. Those entities have the vast majority of the power in America
It’s easy to be on the side of the powerful in America. Not that the work is necessarily easy — in fact I feel sorry for the lawyer working 80 hours a week in a cubicle — but working for the powerful in America means the deck is stacked in your favor. You have money, you have resources, you have politicians in your pocket, you have lobbyist, you get laws passed that help you.
What’s amazing about our justice system in America is that this little Polson Montana lawyer can go toe to toe with the most powerful in America. The Court system is the great equalizer. In Court, the truth matters, BS and propaganda do not. In Court you are under oath, and corporations and powerful people are reduced to having to be brutally honest, instead of being able to twist words like they often do. It’s one lawyer and his client, against another, and there are no built in advantages. The best most honest case wins.

This is exactly why you hear powerful people, corporations, and politicians rail against the Court system. They hate a fair playing field. They don’t have an advantage in Court – no one has an advantage in Court. The little guy doesn’t have an advantage either, but at least it’s fair, and that’s all you can ask. The powerful hate fair, they think they should be able to buy or bully their way out of anything. A Polson Montana lawyer can make sure they don’t.
Kiel – your Polson Montana lawyer – has based his career on fighting and winning against powerful entities. We have fought insurance companies, national corporations, and the government
Where can you find your Polson Montana Lawyer?
Your Polson Montana Lawyer is located in Northwest Montana, on the south end of Flathead Lake. Your Polson Montana lawyer is in Lake County Montana, and also on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Lake County spans approximately from just South of Arlee to South of Kalispell Montana. Lake County includes other towns including Pablo, Ronan, Arlee, St. Ignatius and more.

Flathead Reservation And Flathead Lake
Duckworth Law Office was originally located in Ronan, Montana and moved in 2020 to Polson, Montana. Both Polson and Ronan are on the Flathead Reservation, home of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT). The CSKT has a long a rich history in the area and throughout Western Montana and the Flathead Reservation was established by the Hellgate Treaty of 1855.
The Flathead Reservation is home to Flathead Lake, where locals and tourists flock to the beautiful lake in the summer seasons. Flathead Lake is the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River and a rare gem of crystal clear water and open spaces. One of the reasons Kiel wanted to be a Polson Montana lawyer is that he loves this area, and cannot imagine living anywhere else.
Polson Montana Car Accidents
Polson, Montana is located on Highway 93, a beautiful but dangerous Montana Highway. Highway 93 has the the unfortunate distinction of being one of the most dangerous highways in Montana. Highway 93 is the most dangerous for animal-vehicle collisions, but is also a dangerous highway for vehicle to vehicle collisions. At Duckworth Law we focus on preventable accidents, meaning auto accidents caused by the negligence of a driver.
We are not proud of the fact that Highway 93 cases keep us busy. On the contrary, our hope at Duckworth Law is that our work makes a difference. We aggressively pursue negligent drivers in hopes that we can effect change, by holding responsible drivers accountable. If we can make the difference for one drunk driver, distracted driver, or texting driver, then that is one life potentially saved. Call your Polson Montana lawyer to discuss you car crash case.
Polson Montana Workers’ Compensation Firm
We handle many workers’ compensation claims for workers in the Flathead Valley, Lake County, and beyond. Headquartered in Polson, our central location allows us to easily see clients on a daily basis from Missoula up to Kalispell.
Workers’ compensation claims include injuries “arising out of and in the course of employment.” Put simply, workers’ compensation are for situations where you are hurt at work. We help injured workers navigate the workers compensation system.
Workers’ compensation claims can take many forms, but the majority of our local claims involve men and women hurt while engaged in some kind of medium or heavy labor. The construction industry, logging industry, retailers, hospitals, and other large employers in Lake County, particularly those involving heavy duty jobs, often see injured workers to some extent. Workers’ compensation benefits both the employer and employee, by having guaranteed coverage at a known and limited cost. The system is not perfect, and is frustrating for injured workers, and that where we can help. Call us to discuss your claim.
We hope to see you in Polson, and to help you take on an insurance company. We can help you even the David versus Goliath odds.